
Star Trek - 2009

Rated - PG-13
126 min.

So once again as a precursor to my review, I hate. yes hate star trek. I am a Star Wars nerd through and through. I was looking forward to this movie, simply to mock it in this review. Unfortunatly for me, I can't. It was an awesome movie! Seriously, It truely was the Star Trek for non-trekkies. The action was sweet, the plot was thick and meaty, the acting was well done. These are aspects I would never normally associate with Star Trek, but I feel for J.J. Abrams I must. Yes the man who brought such joy into our lives with "Lost", now brings us non-fans one more thing to latch onto.
I believe he is my new hero. But to not put him an ivory tower in which he may fall, I will now rip on the movie a bit.
... The fans might be dissapointed that, in essence, this movie has NOTHING to do with any of the originals. It's more or less and alrternate reality. But it works so well!...
So there you go, that's all I have to say badly about the movie. Seriously, go see it, fan or not. Beam me up!
"I'm a doctor, not a physicist!"


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