
The Soloist - 2009

Rated - PG-13
109 min.

This was alot more moving, alot deeper and mostly alot "more" than I thought it would be. I knew it was going to be a drama, but I honestly thought that there would be a healthy amount of humor in it. There wasn't. It's a heavy movie, no bones about it. But it's also beautiful. The story runs a bit too long, but not bad. The cinematography is wonderful, using blacklighting and skewed angles to put you in the mind of Jamie Fox's character, who is without a doubt, bat shit crazy. Robert Downey Jr's character is your classic liberal from LA. His heart's in the right place, but he never wants to listen to the problem at hand, he only keeps throwing money at it and then wonders why the problem still exists.
There's some beautiful scenes, very remonicent of Fantasia. With light and music. If nothing else, rent the movie to see those. All in all it was very nice, supurb acting, but a bit too heavy for a summer blockbuster. I'd say rental.
"I've never loved anything the way he loves music."


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