
Miracle at St. Anna - 2008

Rated - R
160 min.

So, as I have stated before, I'm a sucker for WW2 flicks. Of for that matter anything with Nazi's. Cause nobody loves a Nazi, and if you do.. then your a nazi and no one loves you. But alas... this was decent. The problem is that it wasn't great. It was too long, and the "moving" moments weren't all that moving... In fact other than the main character "Train", I didn't feel for any of these characters. They are all immoral in some way, and at the climactic ending, I had no pity for them... or the nazi's they fight. (mainly because... no one likes a nazi... etc....)
So thus the TRASH IT... I was debating if it should be a rental. But I settled on simply saying go watch "All quiet.." or "Saving Private Ryan" again, and save yourself the rental fee. The only miracle is that I some how managed to stay awake...lame.
"Girl, let me trim your garden."


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