
The Spirit - 2008

Rated - PG-13
103 min.

If you ever wanted an example of a movie that's trying too hard, this could in the running for first prize. I do feel bad however, the visuals are out of this world. I'm a big fan of graphical / simplistic design. Lack of color, great use of space and composition. Then on top of that... Scarlet Johansen in a nazi outfit!? (bites my upper lip... day dreams for a bit... I need mental help...) Anywho, so all these cool things right!? good ol' whitty 1940's banter. Common it has to be good right?
its not.
at all.
why you ask? the planets aligned to make this movie. All the factors are in place. It's bound to be good?! But they "try too hard". The violence is OVER THE TOP. Not in a good kinda way either. It's not gorey, no its almost boring... The acting is sub-par, and the dialouge is ridiculios?... "The Octupus", Sam Jackson, complains abou eggs for 20 mins.?
I don't know how a visual masterpiece by a god in comics can suck so hard. But it does. seriously. don't bother...
"Eurgh. Free-range chickens with their big brown ugly-ass eggs. They piss me off. Every time I think about those big brown eggs they piss. Me. Off. "


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