
Angels & Demons - 2009

Rated - PG-13
138 min.

So I was not a huge fan of the Davinci code. I never read either of the books and frankly, I'm not a very good catholic, so I may not be the best of judges on this movie. Personally, I didn't care for it at all. It wasn't horrible mind you, it was just a let down. There wasn't much in the way of mystery. I was hoping for clues all along the path that I could "play along" and guessed "who done' it". Instead, I was given a movie where the characters race through the streets of the vatican chasing after pointing statues. You would think that some nerd with a blog and access to google earth would have figured the mystery out in about an hour. But no, we have to run around on a wild goose chase. Frankly, just kind of lame. I woud leave you, loyal reader, with this... If you were a fan of the first movie, then definatly go and rent this one. You'll enjoy the continuing adventures of your favorite catholic detective. If you thought the first movie was over rated and a sequel/prequel was undeserved, then you would be correct and avoid this one. Trust me, you'll be better off.
"Our church is at war. We are under attack from an old enemy. The Illuminati. They have struck us from within and threatening us all with destruction from their new god Science."

TRASH IT (unless you're a fan of the first one, then RENT IT.)


wiikendwarrior84 said...

I don't usually do this but I have a critique to your critique.

It would seem from your review that your expectations for a "who done-it" and dislike of the find-the-statue premise have dealt a heavy hand into your review. Don't take this personally but the basis of judgement has made this "review" seem more like "opinion".

But I will say that I did find this movie interesting but also lacking. The real element that seems to be missing here is the Faithful vs. Scientist element. The Illuminati "Tease" didn't live up to the build up either. SPOILER! Granted it was a hoax at the end anyway to pull one over on the Vatican. The villain of the movie turned out to be after the greatest position in catholicism, but what were his plans from then? And was the Illuminati "threat" a red-herring or was the villain part of the them? If these things had been more developed I'd say it was worth the watch, however since it doesn't, I say rent it(if you are at all interested in this series). Thrash, otherwise.

wiikendwarrior84 said...

I meant "Trash", not "Thrash".